Nicole and Adam’s Wedding

Hi everyone! I hope that your Labor Day weekend was fun and that you were able to have a relaxing one.  For those of you waiting on our other apple recipe, don’t worry, it’s coming soon! But first, I (Charissa) wanted to share what I did this weekend.

This summer and fall I have apparently entered the time in my life when many of my friends are getting married.  It seems unreal that people that I knew growing up or in college are at that point in their lives, but I couldn’t be more happy for them.

Me, Nicole and Connie.

My friend Nicole was my next-door-neighbor growing up and I was fortunate enough to be a bridesmaid in her wedding on Saturday. Throughout high school and college, Nicole excelled at running and even though we went to separate colleges, we remained good friends and I enjoyed watching her race. I couldn’t have been more proud of her when she won state in high school and earned a national champion ring for running in college. I was lucky enough to support her then and was also lucky to be a part of her wedding. I truly value the friendship that we have and am glad that she was able to marry a great guy that obviously loves her to no end.

Prior to the wedding we had a blast getting our nails and hair done and just hanging out and enjoying the event.  Although it rained during the morning and into the afternoon, it stopped in time for the ceremony and later even cleared up! They were married on a golf course and there was a fountain in the background of the ceremony that made it very romantic (but also made it hard to hear the pastor!). After the ceremony we had a delicious dinner and, lucky for me, Nicole triple checked with the venue and ordered me a vegan option (which was delicious – alfredo with veggies). They also had a cupcake tower for dessert which looked great! Although the cupcakes there were not vegan, I highly recommend trying the recipes in ‘Vegan Cupcakes take over the World’ by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. They’re not exactly good for you but we all need a treat every now and again. 🙂

Nicole looked absolutely gorgeous and it was apparent that her and Adam are very much in love. 

The wedding was fun and I’m sure that they’re having a great time on their honeymoon in Italy! Nicole and Adam; I wish you two all the best and can’t wait to hear about the trip!